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Welcome to your
20th Year
High School Reunion!
Dear Classmates,
It’s 1991. George H.W. Bush is president. Nirvana releases Smells Like Teen Spirit. Dances with Wolves wins best picture. It’s also the year we graduated. Graduation marks the last day before we scatter to the far ends of the globe. Since June of 1991, twenty senior classes have crossed that same stage.
History: Some of us met our senior year. Others during our four years at Fremont. Some enjoy a background beginning in kindergarten! Whatever our origins or present circumstances, we are each part of one another’s personal history.
Perspective: No cell phones, internet, Google, Facebook, texts, spouses, houses or kids. Things were a little less complex. We remember places, names and events… Indians, rally court, back parking lot, autoshop, wigwam, Diesner Field, Little Caesars, Jakes, Ortega, and Las Palmas…
Homecoming, the earthquake, basketball state champs, sports, thespians, key club, senior prom and grad night in the gym.
Today: In high school we went to the 70s dance, now they go to the 90s dance. After twenty years we are all certainly less judgmental of each other. Indeed, whatever our accomplishments, real or imagined, we can all humbly say - we are survivors! We know you are all so busy, but please take the time to join us for this once in a lifetime event. This is the perfect opportunity to start new friendships as well as renew old ones.
Hope to see you all on reunion day!